Sunday, August 17, 2008

sarah aphrodite
live photo shoot

more pictures to come...

sarah created a one of a kind beautiful collection. i worked very closely with her, and saw how pure talent really evolves. her inspirations include cats ( jaguars, panthers), colors, oriental, sexiness. every aspect of her photoshoot and collection is hand done. i spent many afternoons helping hand patch dresses, blankets tanktops. sarahs collection is real and wearable. her clothing is beautiful and her pieces evoke sexiness and fun.sarah aphrodite's live photo shoot came together organically. the whole concept was fun, and involved many types of photographs; polaroids, film, digital, disposable. her models were real woman, and each became alive with every wardrobe change.the shoot take place on 10 ave and 28th street. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Michael at Lolli by Reincarnation !
(see friends and guests)

ABC newsclip:

Check this out, my very special friend from the Netherlands.