This studio core is for sophomore students who have developed their work within the Integrated Design program's Fashion Area of Study. Students continue their studies of body, garments and identity developed in [Un]Fashion, and will transform the ideas, propositions and designs that were conceived during that class into wearable clothing, accessories, and/or magazines to be sold or exchanged during an event/sales presentation outside school at the end of the semester. Each student contribute using their own skils and competencies working in small teams, engaging with the other students to develop one prototype and one actual sales events. Each group is encouraged to invite lecturers, to propose site visits, and readings that will support the progress of the class projects.

We will invite small businesses owners in class to give background to the challenges and the succeses that shaped their businesses.
We invite students to question existing modes of exchange and propose alternatives. The main focus of this class is working in teams effectively, we will use different feed back systems to evaluate team and individual performance to help create more insight in each students' specific set of competencies and skills and in the nature of collaborative work. 

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