BC:my name is brianna capozzi and i'm a senior in IDC my main focuses are fashion design and fine art.
nativefunkandflash: so what are you making?
BC:right now i am making a collection of garments and also i am in the process of creating a book that is a hard cover magazine book, maybe like a coffee table book you'd call that. and as well as a video which as of now is planned to be a 1 hour visual film that moves really slow.
NFF: so what are you inspired by?
BC: i am inspired by street fashion, adolescence, highschoolers. this collection specifically started off with me inspired by highschool and suburbia and it has kinda drifter to a more urban end of things. its a mix between both. and for example the other day i saw a guy, i shouldn't give away my ideas but i saw a guy i always see these kids walking home form school and they always have these double backpacks on they have their backpack on and a gym bag on. i thought about how that would be a great idea and i want to make a bag that is a double bag like that. it would be super different.
NFF: describe your process
BC: well like i said id see that backpack and then id just go home and make it in a different way. i was thinking about making it in a white transparent version of that. but i kinda just have an idea and go home and make it right away or ill probably be over it.
NFF: what about materials?
BC: umm.. sometimes i use found materials and from salvation army or things that people give me. and also i go uptown to the garment district and buy fabrics that i have been planning, but sometimes i just go and see the materials and the materials influences what i want to make and vice versa.
NFF: do you see this collection as being continued after school?
BC: well, i am really . i move really quickly in the way that i work. like i said i was doing highshcool and suburbia and then it moved into more urban settings. so i am always kinda changing and evolving my idea which kinda makes it hard for me to have such a cohesive collection. so its almost like i need to make mini collections maybe with the time period i am in. i am struggling with this right now because already i am in a transition into my next ideas it is hard to stick to the old ones if you already aren't into them as you were. so definitely a continuation of making clothing but i am not sure if it will be this specific ideas.
NFF: do you see your work going in a certain direction after school?
BC: yeah but i don't know what direction that is exactly.
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brianna rocks
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